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FamFEST 2016

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AUGUST 22-27, 2016

This year we are making our Groovy Cause Pathstone Mental Health!

Next week is Famfest 27 and we are very pleased to give you this years line up of clinics and fun.

Monday is a cardio clinic:  How old is your heart?  Christine and Jennifer will be measure your lipids and monitoring your commitment to your cholesterol medication. Appointments from 10am to 4pm.

Tuesday is Osteo clinic.  We are using an ultrasound bone Sonometer as a way to assess your compliance to your medication regimen as it relates to your bone health. Appointments from 10am to 4pm.

Wednesday Diabetes Day – Have a visit with our registered diabetes nurse to discuss foot health and have a Medcheck too. Appointments from 10am to 4pm.

Therapeutic Thursday is featuring 15 minutes head and neck massage from a Registered Massage Therapist.  Appointments with Julie from 10am to 2pm.

Frugal Friday features a yard sale and a Pet photography booth with our special guest photographer Mitch Gaylor!  Get the best deals on Nifty items at great prices.  But MORE IMPORTANT, bring your dog for a walk in, no appointment necessary “Surfin Niagara” , a photo booth which features your dog surfin’ Niagara Falls (painted by local artist Sean O’Neill of O’Neill Visual Concepts and the creator of our New FamFest Logo!)

FamJam Saturday will feature the sounds of the Heat Seekers starting right after Tiger’s Lair Karate Demonstration.  Show up and get your face painted, have your first ever pony ride or maybe a burger in one hand while you are trying to Dunk our Hunks! Sure to be fun! Activities from 10am to 2pm

We have the event all planned and are ready to book appointments.  Please call for your appointment time and more details. Tickets for the grand prize are ON SALE NOW.  Come in and check our great prizes. The grand prize is an X BOX One combo package.

Since it’s name change from Family Week to FamFest at year 25, FamFest has been a huge success!

More fun than humans are allowed to have.  That is what we can say after celebrating over twenty six years with our very own community fair in the parking lot.  Last year both young and old alike came to help us pass the Saturday that started early and opened with our TOWN CRIER followed by a demonstration from Tiger’s Lair Karate.

We had the artist, Face Painting, Bouncer, Ponies and the entertaining DUNK A HUNK and a BBQ, all while listening to the sounds of LIVE MUSIC with a special opening set by the HEAT SEEKERS.

Our Groovy cause was Pathstone MentalPathstoneMH_tag_rgb Health Foundation and we raised almost $2000 for this organization.


For those into numerology, this years FamFEST 27 will end with the SATURDAY FAMJAM held on AUGUST 27! That sounds like the stars have aligned to produce the best day ever.  AND our musical guest will be the HEATSEEKERS for the entire show.  SIGNED SEALED DELIVERED, be there!

Thank you to all of you that come out every year and buy tickets and help us make this FamFEST an AWESOME event for a Groovy Cause!

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9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

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